

Please join us for one of our upcoming events or take a look at our some of our previously recorded seminars.


The DuPont Silicon Valley Technology Center hosts executive briefings, industry events, seminars, technology days, workshops, thought leadership gatherings, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs.

To learn more about the SVTC, follow @DuPontSVTC on Twitter, or schedule a visit for your team.


Upcoming Events


The Evolution of Data Center Networks

Sponsered by the DuPont Silicon Valley Innovation & Cobo, Amit Sanyal, VP Marketing at Innovium & Hugh Durdan, VP Marketing at Inphi as look at the explosive growth in data centers over the last 20 years, and how networking technology has evolved to keep up with the growing demands. It showcases future drivers of this networking evolution and the requirements for the network solutions necessary to enable it. It will highlight key technologies under development to meet these future needs, including a range of optical connectivity options, from pluggable modules to co-packaged optics.

Apr 21, 2021 10:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)


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